Contact Us Today

87 Chesterfield Rd Epping NSW 2121

Monday - Friday

7am - 6pm

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Our Program

Our educators provide an in-depth educational program that is based on the developmental needs, interests, and experiences of each child. Each room includes a variety of experiences throughout the day including a learning cycle (called ‘Learning Journeys’).  Your child’s Learning Journey is captured by our educators and recorded in their portfolios.  We provide a huge variety of other learning experiences including – creative experiences, small and large group experiences and opportunities for physical play.

“For children, the portfolio can act as a portrait of their learning journey. This form of documentation helps children make tangible sense of their past and present learning (Jones & Shelton, 2006). Children gain great enjoyment and a sense of pride when learning is captured and displayed and their articulation of these experiences is fostered. – Early Childhood Australia.”

We use the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) to guide our decision making around the learning, development, and care of our children. The characteristics – being, belonging and becoming guides our service Philosophy which in turn guides all of our decision-making service-wide. Our goal is to enhance children’s learning by working in partnership with families and our wider community ensuring that the learning taking place for the children is holistic and meaningful.

Each room has a daily reflection which is emailed to families our families and includes the days learning stories details as well as information about other experiences the children have been involved in during the day. The younger children also have a communication page which is taken home and returned each day. Your suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated. Any guidance in topic or craft suggestions are always welcome. If you have any special skills or time to offer don’t hesitate to let us know.

If you would like to receive our daily reflections in a format other than via email or require information translated please let us know.

Preschool Program (For children in the year prior to attending school)

We provide a fully integrated school preparation program to enable a school readiness and a smooth transition to a formal school environment.

Our University trained Early Childhood Teacher prepares an in-depth program to ensure your child will be prepared for this transition. Our school preparation program includes experiences in pre-literacy, pre-mathematics, pre-science and lots of hands-on learning for an understanding of the world around them and concepts which is key to children’s early learning success. Our educational teaching takes place using fun, open, practical experiences with active participation with learning tools so the children are able to fully explore and develop their thought processes, skills, and ideas. Interest-based learning in a fun stimulating environment helps the children stay engaged in experiences. The more excited and enthusiastic about learning they become and more open to future learning.

The school system has a formal syllabus which provides the educators with a framework of what needs to be taught and achieved within the first year of school and guides the preschool program we have designed. We feel it is important not to teach too much of the Kindergarten Curriculum in advance so our children are excited to be learning at school and engaged in further learning.  We create a warm learning environment to enable your child to be socially and emotionally ready for the transition to a school environment.

Early Intervention and the STaR Program?

Our Centre has been very fortunate to be involved in the STaR Program which is an Early Intervention Program. We work with the STaR team and the families of children with additional needs to provide care and education for their children within a warm, loving, inclusive environment. At the moment we have a number of STaR children across the week who are warmly welcomed with open arms into our lovely community here at Midson Road.